So many of the best bug out firearms options break down to 24 inches that I would never consider a backpack that didn't have a 24-inch deep compartment to be a valid choice for a serious bug out bag. This leaves the longest part at 24 inches. But if you really want to make it disappear, you can remove one screw and slide the butt stock right off, as shown below. I would simply put a nylon tent pole bag over the end and when hiking in places where I might encounter some park ranger or game warden, they would never guess I had a rifle in there. 30-.30 that way, with the butt down and just a couple of inches of barrel protruding from under the backpack flap on my large external frame pack.

The Trapper version of this Winchester is short enough to fit in some large backpacks fully assembled. In a modern combat role, the lever action rifle that won the West is sometimes referred to as a "CAR" (Cowboy Assault Rifle)! But, one thing nice about a lever gun is that you can top off the magazine at any time between the shooting, adding rounds as soon as they are expended. 30-.30, this capacity is reduced to 5 in the tube.
357 Magnum holds 9 rounds in the tube plus one in the chamber. The AK is more of a beast, but with a whole lot more firepower potential with its 30-round mags, of course. I love how quick it is to handle and how it comes to the shoulder and points naturally. The Winchester is more refined in every way, with regards to fit and finish and within it's effective range it is more accurate, making it more suitable for survival hunting. Of course they have different purposes, but there is some crossover in the utility of each. Overall length is very similar, but the AK is much bulkier and heavier. Here it is compared to a Saiga AK-47 with an ACE folding stock.